Monday, April 21, 2008

Death of Mrs. Rachel Brown January 8, 1901

Do you have a book inside you that is waiting to get out, some hidden dream to be an author, make that dream a reality. Share your talent with the world, you have the idea I make it a reality. The books you see below were all self-published by authors like you.

Obituary Nicholas Co. West Virginia
Death of Mrs. Rachel Brown January has taken from our midst one of our oldest and most respected citizens. Her death occurred on last Friday morning, January 8th, on White Water, at the home of her son, M. H. Brown. "Aunt" Rachel, as she was known by us all, was born in June 1820, and therefore was in her 8a4th year. Perhaps no one in the county was better nor more favorably known than Mrs. Brown. She was born in this county--in the bend of Gauley, near where Mr. Binns now resides--and spent most all of her long and useful life in this county. Since I first knew her--some 33 years ago, I have not heard any...Obituary published in the Nicholas Chronicle January 1901. Taken from Murder, Mayhem, & Hydrophobia, Civil War Edition, compiled, written, & conceived by Shirley E. Grose.

Taken from Murder, Mayhem, & Hydrophobia, Civil War Edition, Compiled, Written, & Conceived and by Shirley E. Grose, and published by Shirley.

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